After Illusion

After Illusion is an online residency opportunity that takes place via Instagram.

I’m so pleased to be starting 2021 by taking part in After Illusion, an Instagram based residency; the residency program run by artist and curator Skye Williams.

‘After Illusion is both a residency programme and community platform for creatives. Founder Skye Williams, an artist herself, set up the programme after realising a need for the arts community to show internal support during this particularly difficult time.’ – Skye Williams

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Of Distance, Artist Book, Perceptions Exhibition Exhibition opening night at the PR1 Gallery

An exhibition by technicians ‘Perceptions’ at the PR1 Gallery.

‘Perceptions’, an exhibition by University of Central Lancashire technicians, opened on the 20th September 2019 in UCLan’s PR1 Gallery.

Curated by darkroom specialist Joanna Garrett, the exhibition highlights works by the University’s Creative Industries Support Technicians.

It has been a great experience showing previously unseen works along with my new book series ‘The Gaps Between‘. New works include screen prints made using MRI data from recent scans at the Center for Neuroimaging Sciences at King’s College London. (Read more about that here.)

Other works include a print from my series ‘Location Adrift‘ an experimental darkroom project. Through this project, I am exploring feelings of disorientation and dissociation that occur whilst in liminal places.

UCLan's Art Gallery Exhibition opening night at the PR1 Gallery
The Gaps Between Book Display

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BBC ‘D for Diagnosis’ – Ever Changing Labels

The Gaps Between, EEG Two Right of the Concertina Book Ever Changing Labels About Jane Elizabeth Bennett Exhibition opening night at the PR1 Gallery

‘Ever Changing Labels’ is the final episode on BBC Radio 4 ‘s series ‘D for Diagnosis’.

I became involved with the BBC Radio 4 program earlier this year because I was taking part in a research trial; ‘GABA pathways in Autism Spectrum Disorder’ at the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College. Over the course of the research project and through the BBC Radio 4 program I have learned so much about autism and the complex nature of ‘diagnosis’.

Jane Elizabeth Bennett MRI Scan, Kings College London Autistica
Jane Elizabeth Bennett MRI Scan, Kings College London

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BBC D for Diagnosis – What’s in a Label

The Gaps Between, EEG Three Front of the Concertina Book Whats in a Label D for diagnosis Exhibition opening night at the PR1 Gallery

‘What’s in a Label’ is the second in the BBC Radio 4 series, D For Diagnosis. This episode investigates what diagnostic labels can mean to individuals.

‘In this second programme in the series, Claudia considers the value and the accuracy of diagnoses in mental health. Unlike a broken wrist, diabetes or anaemia, where you can be fairly hopeful that the testing makes the diagnosis watertight, there is not a single x-ray, blood test or biopsy that can give a definitive diagnosis of a mental health problem.’ – D for Diagnosis

What’s in a Label?

In the second episode in the series, I talk about receiving my diagnosis of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). After receiving my diagnosis, I realised that all the things I had previously struggled with (predominantly audio and visual sensory overload) were long-time themes within my art practice. I realised that I had been fighting myself to fit into a ‘normal’ career and adhere to ‘normal’ social conventions.  It was at that point I decided to walk away from a career in retail and move into higher education where my ‘deficits’ suddenly felt like strengths.

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